April 22, 2011

  Things you need to consider in getting a job!

  As a fresh graduate you need to empower you profile comparing with other candidate, how to do this?

  • Get Experienced
    Getting some experience does wonders not just for improve your CV and generating contacts, but also in helping you establish how the industry actually works in day-to-day life, what roles are involved and how they interplay with one another. A shift on the shop floor may well give you a completely fresh perspective about where you want to position yourself in the market.

  •  Specialise
    Finding a newly developing niche in the market is a great way of creating your own route into a preferred profession - whether you're looking at manufacturing or the more customer focused end of the variety with sales and marketing jobs, getting experience and becoming an expert in a new niche field will position you at the cutting edge of the sector.

  • Be Proactive
    In a delicate employment climate it pays to stick your neck out - waiting for a position to be advertised is not the way to land your perfect job. Research your market, your preferred companies and contact them directly; understand and articulate how you could benefit their business and help them maximize on their profits.

  •  Volunteering
    Whether you choose to go abroad and get some experience while also soaking up a  bit of sun and some culture, or stay at home and get some hands on experience with local community projects, volunteering opportunities are available within a vast range of industries and can sometimes be the key to developing a CV that stands out from the crowd. Volunteering shows you've used your initiative, are dedicated to your cause and have already gained some actual experience in something of your choice.

  •   Create your own resume    Before finalizing your resume, it is wise to take a look at resume samples. By reviewing other resumes, you can get ideas for ways to improve the content and look and feel of your resume. Looking at resume samples often helps you to identify specific areas where you can improve your expertise or enhance the way you present yourself to potential employers. In order to make your CV looking professional.

1 comment:

(Almzyo_onA) said...

It is so nice blog from it is information and design,It is really benificial information , i will use it when i graduate and start hunting for the job!!:)

Go ahead!!