Job Hunting Guides For Fresh Graduates

April 23, 2011

Having a career opens new doors to experiences!

You may not have previously considered, to get a job is not an easy thing, it is a job by itself that need full-time commitment, and is easier to accomplish when using a variety of methods. Skills assessment, interview techniques, and networking are all essential components of your job search.Here you can find a collection of tips from a graduate who has been through the process and knows what it’s like. Finding a job in the depth   of a recession isn't easy, and with more graduates       through it’s not getting any easier yet!

Before You Start Job Hunting

Identify position you want or the position you may start with. Learn everything about position requirement like skills, qualification, required training, and future development. It also good if you could search about companies and consider it as your target. Possibly can about each company: its mission, work culture, what makes it unique and competitive, the qualities they look for in employees to see what you are having and what not and so on.

April 22, 2011

  Things you need to consider in getting a job!

  As a fresh graduate you need to empower you profile comparing with other candidate, how to do this?

  • Get Experienced
    Getting some experience does wonders not just for improve your CV and generating contacts, but also in helping you establish how the industry actually works in day-to-day life, what roles are involved and how they interplay with one another. A shift on the shop floor may well give you a completely fresh perspective about where you want to position yourself in the market.

  •  Specialise
    Finding a newly developing niche in the market is a great way of creating your own route into a preferred profession - whether you're looking at manufacturing or the more customer focused end of the variety with sales and marketing jobs, getting experience and becoming an expert in a new niche field will position you at the cutting edge of the sector.

  • Be Proactive
    In a delicate employment climate it pays to stick your neck out - waiting for a position to be advertised is not the way to land your perfect job. Research your market, your preferred companies and contact them directly; understand and articulate how you could benefit their business and help them maximize on their profits.

  •  Volunteering
    Whether you choose to go abroad and get some experience while also soaking up a  bit of sun and some culture, or stay at home and get some hands on experience with local community projects, volunteering opportunities are available within a vast range of industries and can sometimes be the key to developing a CV that stands out from the crowd. Volunteering shows you've used your initiative, are dedicated to your cause and have already gained some actual experience in something of your choice.

  •   Create your own resume    Before finalizing your resume, it is wise to take a look at resume samples. By reviewing other resumes, you can get ideas for ways to improve the content and look and feel of your resume. Looking at resume samples often helps you to identify specific areas where you can improve your expertise or enhance the way you present yourself to potential employers. In order to make your CV looking professional.

              Where to job hunt!

     ·  Recruitment consultant       
           First it’s important to understand the role of the recruitment consultant and how can they benefit you. Then if you are convinced by their role you can ask them for help. Recruitment consultants are people who replacing candidates in different jobs with some of the conditions with organizations.

           The more they understand their candidates and where they want to go then it’s easy to find next step to find a job. You have to build a good relationship with the recruitment consultant and keep in touch with them to know the updates; also candidates have to be honest with them. Recruitment consultant first will meet with the candidate for a recruitment interview and asking about what the want and where they want to work and which field.  After that they will make a mock interview like a real interview and give their feedback about the interview in order to know what’s your mistakes and not repeating it again in the real interviews.

      ·  Online recruitment
           This means applying for jobs online, prepare your CV to be professional because when employers designed software that identify some key words relating to the role. Search for some of the common key words and make it similar to your skills in order to increase your chances of screening software.

       ·  Job Fairs
            It’s an opportunity for the job hunter to meet many employers face to face and put the first impression on them. To prepare yourself for this you know the employers that are participating in the career fair from the sponsor then you can research companies that your are interested in and prepare yourself with having some information about these companies. Also, review your CV and ensure that you have at least 20 copies of it to distribute it to the companies. Moreover, you have to wear a good professional dress and prepare your questions that you will ask it to the employers. Furthermore, ask for a business card to show them that you are interested in their company and to follow with

              When start applying for a job!
     ·   Review your CV
           When applying for the job you have to print your resume and proofread each time before applying it. If you are mailing your resume rather than submitting it via the Internet, print the resume on high quality paper.

     ·   Modify Your Cover Letter
            When you are using the same cover letter for all the job applications without targeting the letter this will be a common mistake. Because you have to target each letter to each job you applying for it and specifically reference the company and position within the body of the letter.

    ·  Be ready for first impressions
            You have to arrange you’re everything before the night of the interview and ensure your dress looking professional, clean and ironed. Organize all your paperwork and bring it to the interview in case the interviewer asked about it.

     ·  Arriving early
           Arrive before 10 to 15 minutes of your interview appointment. Visit the building before the day of the interview if you are not familiar with the location, in order to avoid getting lost and being late for the interview.

    ·  During the interview
           Answer the questions in a professional way and don’t feel nervous, try to give brief answers supporting it with some relevant examples. Also, ask for clarification if you don’t understand the question correctly. And show that you are enthusiasm and motivate to do the job and working in the organization. Remember to be yourself and not acting and keep emphasizing on some positive aspects from your personality.

      · Sending Thank you letter
            It’s an easy way to send a brief thank you note to your interviewer with 1 to 2 days after the meeting to show that you are really interested in the job.

     ·  Don't Give Up
      Last, but not least, don't give up. Hunting for a job isn’t easy and it’s becoming harder when job market is difficult. Although it may take more time in job hunting that you expected, the right position will come along.

   Some of  Personality types from Holland Theory and it's Career Choices.

Personality Types
Career Choices
Realistic Type Architect, Engineer, Pharmacy, Computer Science, Information Technology, Martial Arts
Investigative TypeEconomist, Finance, Lawyer, Science, Psychiatrist, Physician
Artistic TypeArtist, Musician, Fashion Design, Painter, Library and Information Science, Writer.
Social TypeEducation, Social work, Nurse, Professor, Theology, Trainer
Enterprising TypeBusiness, Salesman, Management, Real Estate, Insurance, Public Health
Conventional TypeAdministration, Secretary, Technical Writer, Banking, Proofreader

References: SUMMIT leaflet:

Finally, make job-hunting your full time job. Continue to ask for the positions that you applied to show that you are interested in the job. And try to extend your network. Contact individuals  everyday with the goal of getting recommendation and setting up interviews!